astonish your customers with unique and extraordinary tattoos!

The complete bundle for tattoo artists

Say goodbye to the frustrations of limited optionS: unlock a world of creative possibilities NOW!


All in one Bundle
for Tattoo Artists

What kind of brushes are included?

  • 3D Human Models
  • +200 Tattoo Brushes Ready to Use
  • +450 Stencils Ready to use
  • [BONUS] PDF Guide
  • [BONUS] 21 Skin Textures
  • [BONUS] 47 Egyptians Stencils
  • Instant Download
  • Compatible with all iOS devices
€ 197.99
€ 57.99

Check Out Our Stencils!

Here are just a few of our stencils for your tattoo business

Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (14).webp__PID:1835e0ec-cc3b-41b1-ba04-365def7d7447
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (56).webp__PID:f530a553-e6f2-4c5d-a742-230620b9fa1d
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (52).webp__PID:188f1eb8-f530-4553-a6f2-5c5d67422306
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (63).webp__PID:5d674223-0620-49fa-9da1-8ef795e8cb23
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (37).webp__PID:1fdba74c-354b-429a-8dfe-55424e55e618
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (32).webp__PID:2c647959-431f-4ba7-8c35-4b629a4dfe55
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (22).webp__PID:fa04365d-ef7d-4447-a7fd-2c647959431f
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (67).webp__PID:0620b9fa-1da1-4ef7-95e8-cb232bae2c5a
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (60).webp__PID:e6f25c5d-6742-4306-a0b9-fa1da18ef795
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (64).webp__PID:67422306-20b9-4a1d-a18e-f795e8cb232b
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (59).webp__PID:53e6f25c-5d67-4223-8620-b9fa1da18ef7
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (57).webp__PID:30a553e6-f25c-4d67-8223-0620b9fa1da1
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (71).webp__PID:1da18ef7-95e8-4b23-abae-2c5a33c3e930
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (20).webp__PID:31b1fa04-365d-4f7d-b447-67fd2c647959
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (18).webp__PID:cc3b31b1-fa04-465d-af7d-744767fd2c64
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (51).webp__PID:e6188f1e-b8f5-40a5-93e6-f25c5d674223
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (31).webp__PID:fd2c6479-5943-4fdb-a74c-354b629a4dfe
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (61).webp__PID:f25c5d67-4223-4620-b9fa-1da18ef795e8
Procreate Stencil Professional for tattoo artist (13).webp__PID:271835e0-eccc-4b31-b1fa-04365def7d74

Bring Your Dreams to Life!

With our 3D Models, you can make your clients dream by showing them an incredible preview of their future tattoo.

Every detail comes to life, allowing them to realistically visualize the end result. Meet their expectations and give them a unique experience in the world of tattoos.

Discover our 3D models today!


3D Human models for Procreate Artist.webp__PID:eedd8619-33a4-45a3-b212-a53dcaf8c579

Enhance your style

If you're a tattoo artist who loves detailed and realistic art, our Procreate 3D Bundle is what you've been waiting for.

This incredible package offers you a complete set of resources, including the male and female internal body, torso, arms, and legs.

Now you can create unique and extraordinary tattoos with unparalleled precision and realism.

An artistic revolution!

Inside our exceptional Bundle, you'll find a true goldmine for your artistic creativity. We've included a whopping 450 stencils, each with a unique and captivating style to help bring your boldest ideas to life.

But that's not all! We've also added 26 Old School stencils for an authentic and nostalgic touch to your work. These stencils have been passionately crafted by industry experts, just like you.

And to top it all off, there are over 200 brushes at your disposal. With this extensive range of brushes, you can add astonishing details and realistic shading to your designs, taking your art to the next level.


"I've been using CreatePro Studio's ProCreate Brush Bundle for my lettering projects, and it has truly transformed my artwork. The variety of brushes available is fantastic, allowing me to experiment with different styles and create stunning designs. The quality is outstanding, and the brushes work flawlessly with ProCreate. Highly recommended for any digital artist looking to take their lettering to the next level!"


"As a tattoo artist, finding the right brushes for digital lettering has always been a challenge. But CreatePro Studio's ProCreate Brush Bundle has been a game-changer for me. The brushes in this bundle are specifically designed for lettering and calligraphy, and they deliver exceptional results. The realistic ink tracings and gradient effects add depth and dimension to my designs. This bundle is a must-have for any tattoo artist who wants to create professional-looking artwork digitally."


"I'm absolutely in love with the CreatePro Studio's ProCreate Brush Bundle! Being a digital artist specializing in lettering, I was always on the lookout for high-quality brushes that could bring my ideas to life. This bundle exceeded my expectations. The brush selection is extensive, catering to various lettering styles and techniques. The brushes are easy to work with, and the final results are simply stunning. It's like having a complete toolbox for digital lettering. I couldn't be happier with my purchase!"



From 11 different categories + 1 Bonus [47 Egyptians Stencils]

Procreate Old School Stencil.webp__PID:54f9511a-fc86-456e-b66f-ed9536a4df13

26  Old School Stencils


Bonus 47  Egyptians stencils

Procreate Skull Stencil.webp__PID:f9511afc-8675-4ef6-afed-9536a4df13c1

65 SKULLs Stencils

Procreate Flowers Stencil.webp__PID:a062f1a6-54f9-411a-bc86-756ef66fed95

93 FLOWERs Stencils

Procreate Tribal Dragon Stencil.webp__PID:2d9335a0-62f1-4654-b951-1afc86756ef6

14 Tribal Dragons Stencils

Procreate Heart Stencil.webp__PID:f1a654f9-511a-4c86-b56e-f66fed9536a4

42 HEARTs Stencils

Procreate Sport Stencil.webp__PID:1afc8675-6ef6-4fed-9536-a4df13c1128d

20 SPORTs Stencils

Procreate Gothic Letters Stencil.webp__PID:62f1a654-f951-4afc-8675-6ef66fed9536

26 GOTHIC LETTERs Stencils

Procreate Snake Stencil.webp__PID:511afc86-756e-466f-ad95-36a4df13c112

37 SNAKEs Stencils

Procreate Angle Stencil.webp__PID:9335a062-f1a6-44f9-911a-fc86756ef66f

57 EAGLEs Stencils

Procreate Japanese Stencil.webp__PID:a654f951-1afc-4675-aef6-6fed9536a4df

72 JAPANESE Stencils

Procreate Chinese Stencil.webp__PID:35a062f1-a654-4951-9afc-86756ef66fed

20 Chinese Stencils

3D Male and Female Models: arms, legs, body and torso

With these 3D Human Models, you can explore the placement, size, and overall aesthetic of your tattoos before bringing them to life on an actual person.
This invaluable resource allows you to experiment and perfect your designs, ensuring they harmonize seamlessly with the contours and proportions of the human body.

Whether you're a professional tattoo artist seeking to showcase your ideas to clients or an enthusiast passionate about personalizing your own body art, these 3D Human Models will revolutionize your creative process. Visualize the interplay between your designs and the human form, consider different angles and perspectives, and confidently bring your tattoo visions to reality.

Elevate your digital artwork!


Endless Creative Possibilities

Access a wide range of tips, nib styles, ink tracings, and gradient effects to unlock your artistic potential. Explore limitless options to create unique and captivating lettering designs!


Professional-Quality Results

Achieve stunning, high-quality lettering designs that rival traditional methods. Create professional-grade artwork that impresses clients and sets you apart from the competition.


Seamless Compatibility

Designed specifically for ProCreate, our brushes ensure smooth compatibility and optimal performance. Experience a seamless digital workflow with brushes that integrate seamlessly into your ProCreate app.

Trusted by MAJOR Tattoo BRANDS Worldwide

From renowned tattoo studios to independent artists, our brushes have gained a reputation for delivering exceptional results and enhancing the digital lettering experience. With a growing community of satisfied artists, our collection has become a go-to resource for those seeking high-quality tools to create stunning lettering designs. Join the ranks of trusted tattoo artists who rely on our BrushMaster Kit to bring their artistic visions to life.



All in one Bundle
for Tattoo Artists

What kind of brushes are included?

  • 3D Human Models
  • +200 Tattoo Brushes Ready to Use
  • +450 Stencils Ready to use
  • [BONUS] PDF Guide
  • [BONUS] 21 Skin Textures
  • [BONUS] 47 Egyptians Stencils
  • Instant Download
  • Compatible with all iOS devices
€ 197.99
€ 57.99


Move easily thanks to hyperlinked pages



Purchase and Download

Get started by purchasing the ProCreate BrushMaster Kit. After completing your purchase, you'll receive a download link to access the brush collection instantly.


Install the Brushes

Achieve stunning, high-quality lettering designs that rival traditional methods. Create professional-grade artwork that impresses clients and sets you apart from the competition.


Let Your Creativity Flow

Designed specifically for ProCreate, our brushes ensure smooth compatibility and optimal performance. Experience a seamless digital workflow with brushes that integrate seamlessly into your ProCreate app.


Are you tired of struggling to find high-quality brushes that truly match your creative style? Look no further. Our brush bundle offers a diverse range of tips, nib styles, ink tracings, and gradient effects, empowering you to unleash your artistic potential like never before.

"As a tattoo artist, finding the right brushes for digital design has always been a challenge. But with CreatePro Studio's ProCreate Brush Bundle, I finally found the perfect solution. The variety and quality of these brushes are exceptional. They have elevated the realism of my digital sketches, making it easier to plan and visualize tattoo designs before I bring them to life on skin. Highly recommend these brushes to all fellow tattoo artists!" 


"Being a calligraphy enthusiast, I was thrilled to try out the ProCreate Brush Bundle from CreatePro Studio. Let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations! The range of calligraphy brushes available is impressive, allowing me to experiment with different styles effortlessly. The smoothness of these brushes makes lettering feel like a dream. I've never been happier with my digital lettering work. Thank you, CreatePro Studio!"


"I recently started my journey as a digital artist, and the ProCreate Brush Bundle has been a game-changer for me. The variety of brushes it offers has helped me explore different techniques and styles, allowing me to grow as an artist. Whether I'm sketching, inking, or adding textures, these brushes have made the process enjoyable and fulfilling. They work seamlessly with ProCreate, and the results are fantastic. If you're serious about digital art, this bundle is a must-have."


[bonus 1]


Explore our PDF guide for digital tattoo artistry, a comprehensive yet simple resource that will provide you with valuable insights.

With clear instructions and explanatory illustrations, this guide will accompany you in discovering new techniques and tips to enhance your artistic work.

And the support doesn't end there! If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is ready to help. Contact us at to receive professional and timely assistance. We are here to support you in your artistic journey and ensure a satisfying experience with our product.

[bonus 2]

21 real skin textures

Add an extraordinary touch of realism to your tattoo projects with our set of 21 realistic skin textures.

Each texture captures the natural complexity and variety of human skin, providing you with a wide range of shades and details to make your digital tattoos even more authentic and captivating.

Discover the power of real skin textures and take your designs to the next level!

Questions? Have a look here

Get in Touch with Us!

Have a question or need assistance?
Fill out the form below, and our dedicated team will be happy to help you on your digital planning journey. Connect with us now!

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